Virgo Woman and Pisces Man: When Opposites Not Only Attract but Thrive
The Virgo woman and Pisces man may seem as if they would never or at least should never be together. Yet, their chemistry is off the charts, and they don't only work together but thrive in a peculiar yet perfect team.
Although the Virgo woman and Pisces man are complete opposites, they are drawn to each other and tend to have instant chemistry. Both of these signs are kind, helpful, and compassionate individuals, which is part of what draws them together so quickly.
This kindness is echoed in how they complement and help each other become fully rounded and more potentialized individuals as they make up for each other's downfalls. Read on to understand these two sun signs' delicate but perfect dance.

Two individuals standing next to one another. | Source: Unsplash
The Perfect Opposites
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is a dreamer and is often caught with his head in the clouds. Because of this, he tends to neglect physical reality and may struggle with everyday tasks such as planning, cleaning up, and running errands. His loving and practical Virgo (August 23 - September 22) is more than happy to step in and help the Pisces with these tasks, as her natural nature and being of service to individuals, especially those she loves, is her love language.
As a traditional woman, she also feels she is fulfilling her role of looking after her partner, and so is helping the Pisces man for his benefit and for hers. Essentially, her practical assistance brings her joy and the Pisces man relief. She may spend her days cleaning, cooking, and balancing books while the Pisces works on his projects blissfully, helping him realize his full potential that was there all along, and yet the physical aspects of life were getting in the way.
On the other side of the spectrum, Pisces, the natural empath and therapist, will be a soothing presence for the sometimes uptight and anxious Virgo. He will help her relax and connect to the emotional part of herself. He will remind her that her worth is not dictated by her ability to be perfect and successful. He will introduce her to the world of creativity and messiness, where she will learn to play and imagine. His tender heart and unconditional love will embrace her so that she can finally see that she is beautiful the way she is and develop some self-love, relaxation, and fun in her life.

An individual wearing two different shoes with a colorful sock. | Source: Unsplash
The Pisces man also brings a gentle passion that will break through the intellectual and strict lines that she has drawn for herself in life. The tenderness of this passion will not overwhelm her, but she would feel safe to let go, including in the bedroom.
When Helping Each Other Doesn’t Always Work Out
The main issue these two may face is the Virgo woman becoming frustrated at the Pisces, perhaps becoming apathetic in his practical duties and slipping away into his fantasy land. While she loves helping him and does, to a certain extent, embrace traditional roles, Virgo is also not prepared to be the only one cleaning, cooking, and doing all the housework. After all, she is not simply a stay-at-home wife, but her ambitious personality has a lot on her plate with work and many ambitions.
That being said, she may approach the situation in the wrong way. In an attempt to help herself and her wonderful Pisces man, she may be harsh, too straightforward, or even begin to nag him into doing a bit more. This may come out of nowhere for Pisces, who is an incredibly sensitive sign and will not understand why his partner has suddenly switched the script.

Two individuals standing side by side. | Source: Unsplash
The Virgo woman should instead consider tapping into her natural kindness and approaching him with nuance and love. After all, the Pisces man would never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally, and if they did by mistake, they would do everything they could to make it better. The Virgo woman could also consider teaching the Pisces man some tricks or allowing them to develop innovative solutions that work for his dreamy demeanor.
Pisces should generally be careful of taking advantage of the Virgo woman, and he should avoid becoming too codependent on her. By that same token, Virgo needs to learn to access self-lover independently instead of consistently placing a huge emotional burden on her partner. She could attend workshops or maybe even therapy if the issue is severe. This is not to say they can't help each other, but there is a difference between helping and coddling.
One last area where they may need help reconciling is money. Pisces tends to be highly generous with cash, while Virgo is the opposite. It should be easy for this couple to talk through this.

A bride and groom dancing together. | Source: Pexels
While many individuals who enter into relationships with those completely opposing in nature find themselves in constant conflict, these two are lucky enough to find a partner that complements them in all the right ways.
Taurus and Aquarius are one couple that is completely opposite and will have to put a lot of work in. To learn more about this, read: Aquarius Woman and Taurus Man: Compromise & the Power of Hip Coffee Shops.