55 'Salem' Quotes from High-Rated Horror Series That Causes Goosebumps
Blending elements of horror and historical drama, "Salem" offered a captivating fusion. Set against the backdrop of the actual Salem witch trials, the show intricately weaved its narrative, offering the audience a one-of-a-kind supernatural horror series.
Centered around Mary Sibley, portrayed by Janet Montgomery, a cunning witch who deviously exploits the infamous trials to further her own agenda, "Salem" was loosely inspired by the actual Salem witch trials in the 17th century.
Furthermore, the horror classic series immersed viewers in a world of fear and suspicion, keeping the audience hooked on the edge of their seats with its nail-biting twists and turns.
Sit back and enjoy these famous "Salem" quotes from the series' iconic characters that left a lasting impression on fans.

Mercy's quote: "A new day is upon us and this new day demands a new Queen of the Night!" | Source: Amodays
"Salem" Famous Quotes from Mary Sibley
"How did we come to be here right now? How is this possible?" — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"John: Where are you going?
Mary: Where only I can go.
John: No. I won't.
Mary: You can't help me, John. I made that boy's body, only I can unmake it." — "Salem"
"If such a small word with such immense consequence. For all of us." — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"Mary: One thing has enacted me. When I returned my son did not seem surprised, as if...
Tituba: As if he knew you were coming?
Mary: Yes.
Tituba: You are in greater danger than we could have known. If you would survive, trust no one.
Mary: You examine the Essex Witches, leave me to make my first move.
Tituba: Which is?
Mary: Why to trust no one, of course." — "Salem"
"The most fatal error, my treacherous sister -- placing your trust in the dark lord...and this mangy mouter." — Mary Sibley, "Salem"

Magistrate Hale's quote: "Am I a witch? Yes, but does that make me any less of a loving father? No, most certainly not!" | Source: Amodays
"Mary: I climbed over the black wall of sleep and crawled from my grave because I cannot deny the truth. You are my son and we belong together until the end.
Dark lord: How long I've waited for you to say those words. And I promise you, you shall be so happy.
Mary: Just being here, holding you, I already am." — "Salem"
"This is Salem. I think that there are no limits to what is possible." — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"Sebastian: No kiss goodnight?
Mary: I hate you!
Sebastian: You cannot deny it was good.
Mary: And that is precisely why I hate you!" — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"So, love is to a woman what war is to a man: the most deadly thing they'll do. Only a fool runs quickly to war or love. You'd best watch yourself." — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"John: You said you'd tell me all. That there would be time.
Mary: I lied. There's no time, no time at all. If I succeed, we will have all the time in the world. If I fail, then at least I felt your love in me once before the darkness fell." — "Salem"

Dark Lord's quote: "Remember dear ones, to the Reaper, all flesh is grass...even witch flesh. A great terror will soon fall upon Salem and there is not a soul alive upon this dull earth who can stop me." | Source: Amodays
"I know what you are...you're nothing! Nothing but common thieves. Liars. Traitors... Murderers. But worse than that, you're crybabies. Poor, proud, pitiful things. I've seen you and the best and worst men can be, and I assure you, even the lowest of humans has more heart, more soul, than you two. Take what you will; I want nothing of you or yours. Get your hands off me!" — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"They picked the wrong witch and the wrong woman. I shall prove to them that truly, hell hath no fury like THIS woman scorned." — Mary Sibley, "Salem"
"John: The taste...is so different.
Mary: For the first time since we were parted, you were kissing me, not Mary the witch." — "Salem"
"Perhaps I returned to the grave they took me from? But I shall not go until I am sure. He calls to me. Do you hear him?! He talks to me. My monster. My son...my son." — Mary Sibley, "Salem"

Tituba's quote: "You cannot know what I have done nor whom I have served until you know why." | Source: Amodays
"Salem" Iconic Quotes from Anne Hale
"Living in Salem and not believing in witches is like living in London and not believing in fog. It is to deny what is right in front of you." — Anne Hale, "Salem"
"Trust me, Gloriana. This baby is as important to me as it is to you." — Anne Hale, "Salem"
"Tituba: Anne Hale...I warned Mary Sibley about you long ago. I told her to drown you like a kitten in a well.
Anne: Well, lucky for you she didn't because I bring good news." — "Salem"
"The children are frightened, Captain… They're unsure who to fear more - witches or those who pursue them." — Anne Hale, "Salem"
"Cotton: I want nothing! I want nothing from you.
Anne: But there is nowhere for you to go.
Cotton: Boston. I will tell them the awful truth about Salem and they will raise this town!
Anne: Tell them everything?! Then they will hang you for the murder of your father.
Cotton: So let them hang me! So long as they believe, I will tell them all.
Anne: Cotton...no!" — "Salem"

Cotton Mather's quote: "But shouldn't the people of Salem question who you are? Because how else would the devil appear, but in the cloak of the Lord." | Source: Amodays
"That is what we women are to you -- a good woman is a half-doll-half-angel and a bad woman is but a hideous fiend. Well, I will not be your angel doll a second longer, even if I could. I would rather be a fiend...a great fiend!" — Anne Hale, "Salem"
"Cotton: Another failure to add to my list.
Anne: Your only failure is not becoming your father, and that is no failure." — Anne Hale, "Salem"
"Cotton: The Devil wants me to be his biographer, to recount his glorious failed rebellion against the "tyrant" God. It is a cosmic joke!
Anne: But I am grateful that he has spared you, almost as grateful as I am...that you spared me." — "Salem"
"Mary: You would damn generations to hell on earth because of your own bitter heart?!
Anne: You are absolutely right, I would. Happily. I would turn the earth into a bitter desert in the very image of my heart!" — "Salem"
"Anne: I know, dear Cotton, I know. Terrible. Awful. Evil incarnate. You've opened my eyes, dear husband. I was the perfect wife and yet you still preferred the company of a whore. Well, the pain you caused me set me free from all my slavish craving for the world's approval.
Cotton: Anne, whatever your hatred for me do not let that be hatred for all the people of Salem. Minutes they will all die, but there may yet still be time. Please...please let me out of here before it is too late.
Anne: Oh, you may yet save Salem, dear Cotton. You and I both know what a dissolute weakling you really are. But when I release you, you will have the chance to be that great man everyone believes you to be." — "Salem"

Cotton Mather's quote: "Sometimes the truth is a riddle." | Source: Amodays
"You shameless hypocrite! You...who persecuted and executed so many innocents. You...who murdered your own father. You...who sang the worst sin of all is a lie. And your entire life is a lie! Every time you climbed the pulpit... you lied to everyone, or is lying merely another privilege reserved for men?!" — Anne Hale, "Salem"
"Anne: I gave you a simple test and you failed. I left you free to move and speak. If you move or speak against me, Brown Jenkins feasts on your insides.
Cotton: You have me in prison.
Anne: No, dear Cotton. I have a prison inside you. Now come to bed." — "Salem"

Anne Hale's quote: "That is what we women are to you -- a good woman is a half-doll-half-angel and a bad woman is but a hideous fiend. Well, I will not be your angel doll a second longer, even if I could. I would rather be a fiend...a great fiend!" | Source: Amodays
"Salem" Quotes from Cotton Mather, Dark Lord, and Other Characters
"Sometimes the truth is a riddle." — Cotton Mather, "Salem"
"You're right. No man should be asked to humble himself before my father. I have been in Salem for months. I've made allies and enemies in scores, but the closest thing that I have come to a friend is you. So I ask you, I beg you to appeal to my father, if there is some small part of you who can call me a friend, too." — Cotton Mather, "Salem"
"Anne: Cotton, I'm still your Anne. The woman who loves you.
Cotton: No, no. Witches are the very embodiment of evil.
Anne: Cotton.
Cotton: I thought you were the very embodiment of good.
Anne: So why can't I use my power for good? To make the world a better, fairer place.
Cotton: Because such powers come from the devil himself. " — "Salem"
"Cotton Mather: I still think what you do is fundamentally wrong, that there must be other ways, but I am afraid, deathly afraid. I fear, while we disagree on methods, we are both determined to stop the Grand Rite.
Increase Mather: Well, I'm gratified that you at least acknowledge that." — "Salem"
"But shouldn't the people of Salem question who you are? Because how else would the devil appear, but in the cloak of the Lord." — Cotton Mather, "Salem"

Anne Hale's quote: "The children are frightened, Captain… They're unsure who to fear more - witches or those who pursue them." | Source: Amodays
"Mr. Putnam: Is it the end of the world?
Cotton: No doubt the end of someone's world." — "Salem"
"Anne: My love for you rules all that I do.
Cotton: If this is your love, I hope never to see your hate." — "Salem"
"Cotton: If I enter Hell, you will spare the world your degradation?
Anne: Oh no, Husband! Let's not be greedy. Nothing can stop the plan my dark lord has for this world. You would save every life in Salem, even the life of your true love. What's her name...Harmonia? Desdemona?!
Cotton: Gloriana!" — "Salem"
"Tituba: You can stop him.
Cotton: That's madness. What could I possibly do that an army cannot?
Tituba: Your love may conquer all.
Cotton: There is no one left in Salem that I love.
Tituba: Not yet. Your love still sleeps like we all once slept in our mother's womb.
Cotton: A child? My child." — "Salem"
"Anne: You did it, my love. You did it! I didn't know what you were going to say. I thought I'd have to watch you die right there.
Cotton: There was a moment when I knew the devil had won, and I had fallen out of God's world and into his. And then I saw you. The face, the love, the light shining from it. And then I knew in that instant that even if I was in the dark and Godless universe, there was still love. There was still you." — "Salem"

Anne Hale's quote: "Trust me, Gloriana. This baby is as important to me as it is to you." | Source: Amodays
"Love is not a lost cause. I will not betray the one true love of my life." — Tituba, "Salem"
"Blind me if you will. I can track and kill you in the darkest night!" — Tituba, "Salem"
"You cannot forget what you have never really known. Have you never asked yourself, never wondered what really happened that night, where the life that swelled your belly went? Nothing is created. Nothing is destroyed. All is only ever transformed. Open it." — Tituba, "Salem"
"You cannot know what I have done nor whom I have served until you know why." — Tituba, "Salem"
"John: Do you remember what I told you? All those years ago, that vow I made...
Mary: You said you'd come back for me.
John: I told you.
Mary: You said you'd be back in a year. They say a point that some things are worth waiting for." — "Salem"

Anne Hale's quote: "Living in Salem and not believing in witches is like living in London and not believing in fog. It is to deny what is right in front of you." | Source: Amodays
"I know Anne Hale is responsible. And I don't know whether to kill her or kiss her." — John, "Salem"
"Dark Lord: And to fulfill the promise of your existence.
Mary: I do not understand.
Dark Lord: My father took on a suit of flesh, he required two Marys -- one to birth him and one to love him. But I only need one Mary. You...my mother...and my bride." — "Salem"
"Married on Wednesday. Bedded on Thursday. Sickened on Friday. Died on Saturday. Buried on Sunday. Every end must have its beginning, and some of us have been awaiting this beginning of the end for a very long time. And now it is here, this Sunday will at last be ‘Black Sunday"’ — Dark Lord, "Salem"
"The Sentinel: Is this the mighty Angel of Death? When did you EVER spare a life?
Dark Lord: This life is precious to me." — "Salem"
"Remember dear ones, to the Reaper, all flesh is grass...even witch flesh. A great terror will soon fall upon Salem and there is not a soul alive upon this dull earth who can stop me." — Dark Lord, "Salem"

Mary Sibley's quote: "Perhaps I returned to the grave they took me from? But I shall not go until I am sure. He calls to me. Do you hear him?! He talks to me. My monster. My son...my son." | Source: Amodays
"Dark Lord: Here's a little test for you, Mather, since you know your bible back-to-front. So tell me, whenever a human being encounters an angel in the books, what are the first words the angel always says?
Cotton: Be not afraid.
Dark Lord: Correct. And did you ever wonder why when encountering a human being an angel must immediately tell them not to be afraid? Because angels are monsters. We were then as are now: fearsome engines of wrath." — "Salem"
"Dark Lord: I could've killed you, or wiped your memory and left you a blank state. Then you wouldn't have remembered who I am: your son.
Mary: I remember you and I hate you!
Dark Lord: Hate is just a shadow of love; where there is one, the other is sure to follow. And there is nothing more powerful than the two combined." — "Salem"
"Anne: Your bastard child would've been born out of wedlock and Cotton would have had no choice but to turn his back; deny his upstanding name to both of you. So you see, this is for the best for everyone.
Gloriana: You stole the life from inside me. God will strike you...
Anne: God will see one of his kind creatures saving another!
Gloriana: Lie for your own ear's sake. But you and I both know what kind of creature you truly are!" — "Salem"
"Am I a witch? Yes, but does that make me any less of a loving father? No, most certainly not!" — Magistrate Hale, "Salem"
"Alden: Sir, Glorianna is no witch.
Increase: No. But I think you will agree that she has bewitched my son." — "Salem"

Mary Sibley's quote: "So, love is to a woman what war is to a man: the most deadly thing they'll do. Only a fool runs quickly to war or love. You'd best watch yourself." | Source: Amodays
"Love is a two-faced coin and one is certainly betrayal." Increase
"Mary: Why are you doing this?
Sebastian: I, too, am capable of unconditional love." — "Salem"
"A new day is upon us and this new day demands a new Queen of the Night!" — Mercy, "Salem"
"Mercy: You promised me.
Countess Marburg: Promised you what, child?
Mercy: To be my mother, to make me one of you. That I might marry Sebastian, become a princess.
Countess Marburg: Your wishful mind promised you all those things. I promised you to return the beauty for which you were born and make Mary Sible feel your pain and beyond." — "Salem"
"They have tried and failed to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth, not it is our turn. Under our dark lord's dominion, Salem will prosper and grow becoming a mighty nation and it all begins here with this little boy." — Countess Marburg, "Salem"
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Mary Sibley's quote: "How did we come to be here right now? How is this possible?" | Source: Amodays
The success of "Salem" paved the way for subsequent dramas such as "Manhattan" and "Underground," garnering praise from critics throughout its run.
Though the show ran for a successful three seasons, the plugs were pulled during season 3, with the final episode, "Black Sunday," which resulted in some significant deaths, including the mortal body of the Devil.
If you want to read more about the 'evil' side of Salem, here's a sneak peek into John Proctor quotes From "The Crucible" penned by Arthur Miller.