35 'Trailer Park Boys' Quotes: Some of Their Best Lines That'll Leave You Chuckling
"Trailer Park Boys" follows the misadventures of a band of trailer park residents and documents how they navigate a life of crime with a humorous edge. Here are 35 of their most memorable quotes.
Deep within the confinements of the fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park lives a trio of friends — Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles — who always seem to be hatching up elaborate make-money-quick schemes while ducking and diving from law enforcement.
While their lives treading just above the poverty line lack the glitz and glamour of other shows, don't be surprised when the trio worms their way into your heart with all their shenanigans.
In between their stints in prison and a life of crime, this unlikely group of friends and the other characters in their lives have dropped a few nuggets of comedic gold. Continue reading for a good laugh with these 35 "Trailer Park Boys" Quotes.

Ricky's quote, "Beauty is in the eye when you hold her." | Source: AmoDays
Well-Known Quotes with a Signature Ricky Spin
"Beauty is in the eye when you hold her." — Ricky
"Don't judge a cover of a book by its look." — Ricky
"Good things come to those at the gate." — Ricky
"Hit 'em with everything we caught." — Ricky
"A link is only as long as your longest strong chain." — Ricky

Ricky's quote, "It doesn't take rocket appliances to know that...." | Source: AmoDays
"It's all water under the fridge." — Ricky
"It's better to have a gun and need it than to not have a gun and not need it." — Ricky
"Just remember, Lahey, what comes around is all around." — Ricky
"He passed with flying carpets." — Ricky
"It doesn't take rocket appliances to know that...." — Ricky

Ricky's quote, "Survival of the fitness, boys." | Source: AmoDays
"Lucy, I will make you have an eternity test if I have to." — Ricky
"I'm not a pessimist; I'm an optometrist." — Ricky
"One man's garbage is another man person's good un-garbage." — Ricky
"Do you have a search warranty?" — Ricky
"Survival of the fitness, boys." — "Ricky

Ricky's quote, "I've always believed do unto others as you would do unto you." | Source: AmoDays
"I feel like my brain is short-circulating." — Ricky
"So, I'm going to do what the old man used to always say. 'Let guy bonds be guy bonds.'" — Ricky
"Worst case Ontario." — Ricky
"Get two birds stoned at once." — Ricky
"I've always believed do unto others as you would do unto you." — Ricky

Ricky's quote, "Number one: we're on probation. Which is no big deal, but, you know, I don't really wanna go back to jail. And number two, or three, or whatever number we're on…." | Source: AmoDays
More Amusing 'Trailer Park Boys' Quotes
"Hampton: Have you read the Bible?
Bubbles: Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. What's it to you?
Hampton: Can you read, my son?
Bubbles: Well, that depends..." — "Trailer Park Boys"
"The thing is, in order to stop breakin' the law is, we gotta break the law just for a couple of minutes, and then we're gonna be done, retired." — Ricky
"I can't go to jail. Who will look after my kitties?" — Bubbles
"Number one: we're on probation. Which is no big deal, but, you know, I don't really wanna go back to jail. And number two, or three, or whatever number we're on…" — Ricky
"I'd like to make a request under the People's Freedom of Choices and Voices Act to be able to smoke an' swear in your courtroom." — Ricky

Jim Lahey's quote, "I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing and drunk enough to really enjoy it." | Source: AmoDays
"Julian: Bubbles, what happened to my trailer park, man?
Ricky: Looks like a tropical earthquake blew through here or something, man." — "Trailer Park Boys"
"When you're growing up, you gotta do illegal things once in a while, have a bit of fun, and maturinate into a better person." — "Trailer Park Boys"
"I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing and drunk enough to really enjoy it." — Jim Lahey
"The liquor feels like a familiar pair of slippers that you put on and sit in front of the fire." — Jim Lahey
"Boys, when the cops get here, tell them I won't resist. I'll be in my shed hyperventilating." — Bubbles

Ricky's quote, "After today, we're gonna be a legal family. It's gonna be pretty cool, right? It's gonna be on paper and everything." | Source: AmoDays
"Instead of breaking the law big time for a big payday, you gotta break the law a lot but little tiny crimes." — Ricky
"After today, we're gonna be a legal family. It's gonna be pretty cool, right? It's gonna be on paper and everything." — Ricky
"Trevor: We're not stupid, Julian
Julian: Yes, you are; that's why I have to tell you this." — "Trailer Park Boys"
"Ricky: What was that?
Bubbles: Take a guess! What are sirens usually bolted to the roof of?" — "Trailer Park Boys"
"Once a trailer park boy, always a trailer park boy." — Ricky

"Trailer Park Boys" quote, "Ricky: What was that? Bubbles: Take a guess! What are sirens usually bolted to the roof of?" | Source: AmoDays
"Trailer Park Boys" was originally a 1990s film that was later turned into a series that ran for seven seasons. The humorous show premiered in 2001 and was later picked up by Netflix in 2014.
Although Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles run the show with their laughable exchanges and contagious personalities, the series is really brought to life by the ridiculously funny characters around them, not making it difficult to understand why the mockumentary was such a success. For more quotes, here are 29 'Pitch Perfect' Quotes to Remind Us Why the Star-Studded Film Was Such a Hit.