63 Goblet of Fire Quotes for All the Ardent Potterheads to Reminisce
Of all the films in the "Harry Potter" franchise, "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire" has been cited as the best. Since the inception of the franchise, the main players, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, had been portrayed as kids.
They were first portrayed as adults in the film, which also introduces more adult themes, as well as the return of Lord Voldemort. In the film, Harry is chosen as the fourth participant in the inter-school Triwizard Tournament, that slowly unfolds into a dark conspiracy with menacing agendas.
Below are some entertaining "Goblet of Fire" quotes that shed light on the mystery surrounding Harry's entry into the Triwizard Tournament and how he's forced to compete in the hazardous tournament between rival schools of magic.

Harry Potter's quote: "I think I'd take the dragon now." | Image: Amodays
Goblet of Fire Quotes From Harry Potter
"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel… and you're just pathetic." — Harry Potter to Draco Malfoy
“He’s back, Voldemort is back!” — Harry Potter
Harry: “Why do they have to travel in packs? And how are you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?"
Ron: "Blimey, Harry. You've slayed dragons. If you can't get a date, who can?"
Harry: "I think I'd take the dragon now.” — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Harry Potter's quote: "Cedric, we have to get back up to the cup, now!" | Image: Amodays
[McGonagall is teaching the group how to dance by dancing with Ron]
Harry: “Oi! [They lean into him] You're never gonna let him forget this, are you?"
Fred and George: [smug smirks on their faces] Never." — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"
"Cedric, we have to get back to the cup, now!" — Harry Potter
"I had a dream about him. It was in the summer, before school. In the dream, I was in a house. And Voldemort was there. Only, he wasn't quite human. And Wormtail was there too. And Mr. Crouch's son." — Harry Potter
"I didn't put my name in that cup. I don't want eternal glory. I just want to be… Look. I don't know what happened tonight, and I don't know why. It just did. Okay?" — Harry Potter to Ron Weasley

Lord Voldemort's quote: "Harry, at last!" | Image: Amodays
Parvati: [Looking at Hermione] "She looks beautiful!"
Harry: [Looking at Cho] "Yeah, she does... Wha… [Turns around and sees Hermione coming down the stairs. Noticing how beautiful she really looks, he smiles gently, agreeing with Parvati]" -— "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"
"You're a right foul git, you know that?" — Harry Potter to Ron Weasley
"It was you from the beginning. You put my name in the Goblet of Fire. You bewitched Krum but…" — Harry to Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Mad-Eye Moody
Goblet of Fire Quotes From Lord Voldemort
"Harry, at last!" — Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort's quote: "The other arm, Wormtail." | Image: Amodays
“I can touch you now.” — Lord Voldemort
"How fastidious you've become, Wormtail. As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home. Could it be that the task of nursing me has become wearisome enough for you?" — Lord Voldemort
“Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter! I want you to look at me when I kill you! I want to see the light leave your eyes!” — Lord Voldemort
"Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker is standing just outside the door. Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting. AVADA KEDAVRA!" — Lord Voldemort
"The other arm, Wormtail." — Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort's quote: "Kill the spare." | Image: Amodays
"I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you. (leans down to meet Harry's eyes) After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers. After tonight, if they speak of you, they'll speak only of how you begged for death... and I, being a merciful Lord, obliged. Get up! (Harry groans)" — Lord Voldemort
[The Death Eaters appear] "Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet, here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself... disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me. [He unmasks the Death Eaters one by one, and as he does, they fall to their knees] Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle! Not even you, Lucius. [He pulls off Lucius' mask who falls to his knees]" — Lord Voldemort
"Kill the spare." — Lord Voldemort
[To the onlooking Death Eaters during Priori Incantatem] "Do nothing! He's mine to finish!" — Lord Voldemort

Albus Dumbledore's quote: "People change in the maze. Find the cup if you can. But be very wary; you could just lose yourselves along the way." | Image: Amodays
"Harry. Oh, I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you, but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The Boy-Who-Lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry! Shall I reveal what really happened that night thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? Yes, shall I? It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed. I CAN TOUCH YOU NOW!" — Lord Voldemort
"Pick up your wand, Potter! I said, pick it up! Get up! Get up! (Harry gets his wand) You've been taught how to duel, I presume, yes? First, we bow to each other. (he bows, Harry does not) Come on now, Harry. The niceties must be observed. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners, would he? I said, BOW! (uses a curse to make Harry bow) That's better, and now: Crucio! (Harry writhes on the grass in pain) Crucio! (the curse goes away) Attaboy, Harry! Your parents would be proud. Especially your filthy Muggle mother!" — Lord Voldemort
Goblet of Fire Quotes From Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, And Other Characters
"This year, Hogwarts will play host to a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament. During which time a single student gets to represent his or her school in a series of magical contests. Eternal glory awaits the student who wins the tournament." — Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore's quote: “No spell can reawaken the dead. Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” | Image: Amodays
"Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks." — Albus Dumbledore
“People change in the maze. Find the cup if you can. But be very wary; you could just lose yourselves along the way.” — Albus Dumbledore
"Excellent! We now have three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist the chalice of champions, this vessel of victory. The Triwizard Cup!" — Albus Dumbledore
“No spell can reawaken the dead. Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” — Albus Dumbledore

Igor Karkaroff's quote: "Everything is a conspiracy theory!" | Image: Amodays
“Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, that though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of the recent events, the bonds of friendship made this year will be more important than ever.” — Albus Dumbledore
"Welcome today, champions. Now you've waited, you've wondered, and finally, the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate. [notices that it's Hermione whose shoulders he has his arm around] What are you doing here, Miss Granger?" — Albus Dumbledore
"The Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do no do so lightly. If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun." — Albus Dumbledore
![Albus Dumbledore's quote: "Harry. [Grabs him] Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" | Image: Amodays](https://cdn.amodays.com/938cf708f1e91881be72689beaee1552a8aed19e70fd411e8302270e3bf3853e.jpg)
Albus Dumbledore's quote: "Harry. [Grabs him] Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" | Image: Amodays
"Today, we acknowledge... a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded, and, most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend. Now I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. [getting up] You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort! The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this, but not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me... reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever! You remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that, and we will celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and fair and true, right to the very end." — Albus Dumbledore
"I keep looking for some mistake, some sign, some clue as to why these terrible things are happening, but every time I get close to an answer, it slips away. It's maddening.” — Albus Dumbledore

Olympe Maxine's quote: "But of course, he is lying!" | Image: Amodays
Olympe Maxime: "It's wrong, I tell you!"
Igor Karkaroff: "You French tart! Everything is a conspiracy theory with you!"
Albus Dumbledore: "Quiet! I can't think!"
Igor Karkaroff: "Everything is a conspiracy theory!"
Olympe Maxime: "I protest!"
Albus Dumbledore: "Harry!"
Olympe Maxime: "I protest!"
Albus Dumbledore: "Harry. [Grabs him] Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"
Harry Potter: "No, sir!"
Albus Dumbledore: "Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?"
Harry Potter: "No, sir!"
Albus Dumbledore: "You're absolutely sure?"
Harry Potter: "Yes. Yes, sir."
Olympe Maxime: "But of course, he is lying!"
Barty Crouch Jr. (as Mad-Eye Moody): "The hell he is! The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year."
Igor Karkaroff: "You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye."
Barty Crouch, Sr. (as Mad-Eye): [Threateningly] It was once my job to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff. Perhaps you remember."
Dumbledore:"[enraged, walking between them] This doesn't help, Alastor! [to Barty Sr.] Leave this to you, Barty."
Barty Crouch, Sr.: "The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter has no choice. He is, as of tonight... a Triwizard champion." — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Barty Crouch Sr's quote: "The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter has no choice. He is, as of tonight... a Triwizard champion." | Image: Amodays
"Look, Harry, the death eaters at the world cup your name rising from that goblet, these aren't just coincidences, Hogwarts isn't safe anymore." — Sirius Black
"Harry, I couldn't risk sending Hedwig. Ever since the World Cup, the Ministry's been intercepting more and more owls, and she's too easily recognized. We need to talk, Harry, face to face. Meet me in the Gryffindor Common Room at one o'clock this Saturday night. And make sure you're alone. Sirius. PS: the bird bites." — Sirius Black
“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” — Sirius Black
"I haven't a clue who put your name in that goblet, Harry, but whoever did is no friend to you. People die in this tournament." — Sirius Black
"Alastor Moody. Ex-Auror, Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

Sirius Black's quote: “If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” | Image: Amodays
"Is That A Student?” — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"What was it like? What was [it] like to stand in his presence?" — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"That's a Foe-Glass. Leta me keep an eye on my enemies. If I can see the whites of their eyes, they're standing right behind me." — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"BARTEMIUS... not trying to lure Potter into one of your summer internships, are we? Last boy that went in the Department of Mysteries never came out." — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"Wouldn't even bother telling you what's in there. You wouldn't believe it if I did." — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
![Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody's quote: [to Harry, about Voldemort] "What was it like? What was [it] like to stand in his presence?" | Image: Amodays](https://cdn.amodays.com/db8f5c75f6bc397cfba2064351555a2076b01aaefbeeeb5bad7b9aad60f058ed.jpg)
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody's quote: [to Harry, about Voldemort] "What was it like? What was [it] like to stand in his presence?" | Image: Amodays
"You won because I made it so, Potter. You ended up in that graveyard tonight because it was meant to be so. And now the deed is done. The blood that runs through these veins…runs within the Dark Lord." — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. Magic is way beyond the talents of a fourth-year. — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
It was once my job to think as dark wizards do, Karkaroff, perhaps you remember." — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter." — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody's quote: "Imagine how he will reward me when he learns that I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter." | Image: Amodays
"Marvelous creatures, dragons, aren't they?" — Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody
"Go on, Harry. Harry, for goodness sake." — Hermione Granger to Harry Potter
[Harry has just finished the second task, and Hermione has given him her blanket. Harry had rescued Fleur's little sister]
Hermione Granger to Harry Potter: “Personally, I believe you behaved admirably."
Harry Potter: "I finished last, Hermione."
[Hermione kisses him on the head]
Hermione Granger: "Next to last. Fleur never got past "ze Grindylows." — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Hermione Granger's quote: Personally, I believe you behaved admirably." | Image: Amodays
[Hermione and Harry are talking about the egg from the first task]
Harry Potter: “I suppose Viktor's already figured it out."
Hermione Granger: [Catching on his meaning] "Wouldn't know; we don't actually talk about the tournament. Actually, we don't really talk at all. Viktor's more of a physical being."
[They both start laughing at this Freudian slip]
Hermione Granger: [Desperately trying to recover] "I just mean, he's not particularly loquacious. [Harry looks at her in amusement] Mostly, he watches me study. It's a bit annoying, actually." — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"
“Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does, and not as a last resort!" — Hermione Granger to Harry Potter

Hermione Granger's quote: “Next time there’s a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does, and not as a last resort!” | Image: Amodays
[Hermione is delivering a message from Ron to Harry since neither of them is speaking to the other]
Hermione Granger: "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid is looking for you."
Harry Potter: "Is that right? Well... You can tell him... Wait... What?"
Hermione Granger: [Goes back to Ron, talks to him quietly for a few seconds, then walks back] Dean was told by Parvati that... that... Please don't ask me to say it again! Hagrid is looking for you. [starts to walk away]
Harry Potter: "Well you can tell Ronald..."
Hermione Granger: [furiously] "I'M NOT AN OWL!" — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Ron Weasley's quote: "Come with one of us! It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl it's just sad." Image: Amodays
Ron Weasley: "Come with one of us! It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone, but for a girl, it's just sad."
Hermione Granger: "I won't be going alone because, believe it or not, someone's asked me! And I said yes!” — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"
Karkaroff's Aide to Parvati: “May I have your arm?"
Parvati: [looks back at Harry, then says to the boy] Arm? Leg? I'm yours! [goes to dance with him]" — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Lucius Malfoy's quote: "Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know." | Image: Amodays
Ron Weasley: "How far up are we, dad?"
Lucius Malfoy: "Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know.” — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"
Harry Potter: "Ron, where are we actually going?"
Ron Weasley: "Don’t know. Hey, Dad! Where are we going?"
Arthur Weasley: "Haven’t the foggiest!" — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Ron Weasley's quote: "Well, they're all right! No lace, no dodgy little collar..." | Image: Amodays
[Ron and Harry are dressed up for the Yule Ball; Harry has on much more flattering robes whilst Ron's are hideous.]
Ron Weasley: "What are those?! What are those?!"
Harry Potter: "My dress robes."
Ron Weasley: "Well, they're all right! No lace, no dodgy little collar..."
Harry Potter: "Well, I expect yours are more... traditional…"
Ron Weasley: "Traditional?! They're ancient! I look like my Great Aunt Tessie. [sniffs clothing in armpit area] I smell like my Great Aunt Tessie! [They look in the mirror] Murder me, Harry." — "Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire"

Minerva McGonagal's quote: “Inside every girl is a swan, waiting to burst out in flight.” | Image: Amodays
"[bitterly] That's me. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter's stupid friend." — Ron Weasley
“Inside every girl is a swan, waiting to burst out in flight.” — Minerva McGonagal
"Harry, when the connection is broken, you must get to the Portkey! We can linger for a moment to give you some time but only a moment. Do you understand?" — James Potter
"Let go. Sweetheart, you're ready. Let go! LET GO!" — Lily Potter
“What a charismatic quartet! Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter. I write for the daily prophet. But, of course, you know that, don't you? It's you, we don't know. You're the juicy news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick?” — Rita Skeeter

Lily Potter's quote: "Let go. Sweetheart, you're ready. Let go! LET GO!" | Image: Amodays
The thrill and adventures are real in "The Goblet of Fire" as Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) comes of age alongside Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint).
As the drama unfolds, the audience is thrown into a mystical world that leaves them on the edge of their seats.
On a similar note, check out these quotes to experience just as much thrill, mystery, and adventure in the epic revenge thriller "The Northman" featuring Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, and Anya Taylor-Joy.