An image of the "Voltron" characters with Shiro's quote, "If you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool
An image of the "Voltron" characters with Shiro's quote, "If you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

54 'Voltron' Quotes Capturing Galactic Harmony and Teamwork

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 20, 2023
01:00 P.M.

The characters in the animated series "Voltron" continue to captivate fans with their colorful banter and humorous remarks. Here are 54 quotes from the heroic gang that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.


Aired from 2016 until 2018, "Voltron: Legendary Defender" is one of the most-watched animated series of all time, featuring captivating and quirky characters that have won over viewers.

The series is set in a space-themed universe and follows the captivating story of five teenagers: Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. Together, they serve as the galaxy's final defense against the evil alien force led by King Zarkon.

But beyond its epic adventures and space battles, "Voltron: Legendary Defender" is also a comedy powerhouse, brimming with personality and clever one-liners. Enjoy these entertaining quotes below.

Queen Merla's quote: "She'll never love you back, Lotor. Nice girls never go for your type." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Queen Merla's quote: "She'll never love you back, Lotor. Nice girls never go for your type." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Memorable Quotes from the Colorful Characters of 'Voltron'


"Look, it's Prince Lotor… just hanging out on the bridge." — Lance

"If you just wait, we can give you the backup you need." — Allura

"I think your bayard is showing you what we've all been noticing - you have greatness within." — Allura

"We can't go home..." — Pidge

"Speaking with you has actually made me feel better." — Allura

Keith's quote to Lance: "We had a bonding moment, I cradled you in my arms!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Keith's quote to Lance: "We had a bonding moment, I cradled you in my arms!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

"Are we navigating by cave paintings now?" — Hunk

"All I ask is to be judged by my actions rather than your preconceptions of my race." — Prince Lotor


"His supply chain management is incredible. He definitely color codes." — Pidge

"Let's fly into the cosmic death storm." — Lance

"If you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great." — Shiro

Lance's quote: "Look, it's Prince Lotor… just hanging out on the bridge." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Lance's quote: "Look, it's Prince Lotor… just hanging out on the bridge." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

"My father has held the universe in a death grip for millennia, but he sees it slipping from his grip because of your efforts and because of mine. With our forces combined, we would provide the greatest threat Zarkon has ever faced." — Prince Lotor

"Your father, King Alfor, once stood side by side with Zarkon and protected the universe from harm. There was no foe the Paladins of old couldn't defeat. Sadly, that time of peace has been lost, but together we can find it once more." — Prince Lotor


"You ever notice how far the planets are from each other, Coran? Yeah, but I mean, like, they're really, really far away. Like, say, Earth. It's so far, I can't even see it. The... The blue oceans, the white clouds, green grass... I... I can't see any of it." — Lance

"I'm guessing a space ninja. Or maybe someone with magical powers? You know, just spit-balling here. I don't know. Let's just keep tossing out ideas." — Lance

"Activate Inter-Dimensional lock! Stealth Servo system connected! Stealth Engine at maximum! Quantum Thrusters are go! Let's go stealth Voltron force!" — Keith

Prince Lotor's quote: "All I ask is to be judged by my actions rather than your preconceptions of my race." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Prince Lotor's quote: "All I ask is to be judged by my actions rather than your preconceptions of my race." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

"We can't always put the fate of the universe in the hands of a giant weapon. At least, that's what your father believed." —Coran to Allura


"You know, I don't mind telling you this, but I was considered a bit of an intergalactic fashion pirate in my day. I used to have a bogwaggle cape that I trained to sing my theme song whenever I entered a room." — Coran

"Thank you, Ryner, for all you and the Olkari have done to assist us. Once we defeat Zarkon, it is my hope that we can continue to unite our forces and rebuild the once great coalition that my father, King Alfor, began." — Allura

"We've gotta act fast. The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now, let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all." — Shiro

"Too bad you're not a bad guy. We have much more fun." — Queen Merla

Hunk's quote: "Are we navigating by cave paintings now?" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Hunk's quote: "Are we navigating by cave paintings now?" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"She'll never love you back, Lotor. Nice girls never go for your type." — Queen Merla

"You and I could have been good friends, Allura. But when friendship gets in the way of greed, guess who loses." — Queen Merla

"Well, I'm gonna tell her off. Face-to-face. Then again, maybe I'll just call her on the phone." — Cmdr. Cossack

"Plantin' a bomb to blow us all sky-high. And after I saved her neck, she's gotta be a spy for Zarkon. And she looked like such a nice girl." — Hunk

"I can never be good. It's impossible." — Prince Lotor

Prince Lotor's quote: "Poor Allura! All the power in the universe at your fingertips, and you still fear using it!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Prince Lotor's quote: "Poor Allura! All the power in the universe at your fingertips, and you still fear using it!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

"I'm really mad at that Lotor; he ruined my big moment with the Princess." — Hunk


"Lotor, you disappoint me. You've failed in your mission and you've lost my favorite Robeast." — King Zarkon

"Come on, robots! You're only a bunch of nuts and bolts! Let's see what you can do against one little Earth-man!" — Pidge

Intense Quotes and Dialogues within the 'Voltron' Universe

"Queen Merla: You are just as lovely as they say, but I'm afraid you have something that I want: your job.

Princess Allura: Where'd you get that awful lipstick?" — "Voltron"

"Queen Merla: Just like a prince to interfere where he doesn't belong.

Princess Allura: How true." — "Voltron"

Allura's quote: "Hey, there Blue Lion. You know, you're really activating my particle barrier right now." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Allura's quote: "Hey, there Blue Lion. You know, you're really activating my particle barrier right now." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"Princess Allura: He thinks he's so great just because he's got big muscles.

Queen Merla: They're not really that big. I'll tell you a secret: underneath his uniform he wears foam rubber shoulder-pads. [Allura gasps; she laughs] You're fun. It's really too bad I'm going to have to replace you." — "Voltron"

"Keith: You gotta admire a guy like King Alfor.

Pidge: He does come back, but he sorta does it his own way, ya know?

Keith: He is pretty unpredictable.

Hunk: Well, different strokes for different ghosts, I always say.

Lance: The only thing you always say, Hunk, is 'What's to eat' and 'Can I have seconds?'" — "Voltron"

Coran's quote: "Help me Bii-boh-bi, you're my only hope!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Coran's quote: "Help me Bii-boh-bi, you're my only hope!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"Lance: Wow, King Alfor speaks like a corkscrew. Why can't he just come right out and say what he means?

Princess Allura: Will Lotor never learn? He'll never conquer this planet or enslave our people as long as we have Voltron, Defender of the Universe!" — "Voltron"

"Prince Lotor: I've missed you.

Queen Merla: Cut the Prince Charming act and tell me what you want." — "Voltron"

"Prince Lotor: Ah, my good friends. What a pleasure to see you again.

Keith: Yeah? Well, it's no pleasure for us." — "Voltron"

"Haggar: Aren't people buried up to their necks in sand a delightful sight!

Commander Yurak: You never disappoint me, Haggar. Spoken like a true witch." — "Voltron"

Hunk's quote: "I'm really mad at that Lotor; he ruined my big moment with the Princess." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Hunk's quote: "I'm really mad at that Lotor; he ruined my big moment with the Princess." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"Coran: Oh, hold on there, space juice. You're going to come and help me.

Lance: What? Why? Why me?

Coran: Because you're the last one here and because your activity isn't very important." — "Voltron"

"Hunk: All this Quintessence is keeping us at full power.

Keith: It's more than that. Can you hear your Lion talking to you? Voltron is capable of more than we ever imagined. ATTACK!" — "Voltron"

"Emperor Zarkon: Bring me Lotor and the prisoner is yours. Meet my demands if you want to see the Earthling alive.

Pidge: He's alive! Our dad is alive! We have to get him back!" — "Voltron"

Prince Lotor's quote: "I can never be good. It's impossible." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Prince Lotor's quote: "I can never be good. It's impossible." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"Zarkon: Send the fighters! Surround that lion! Draw him in! I want every ship in the fleet after that lion. Get me closer!

Shiro: I've got Zarkon on the hook. Bringing him your way. Keith, you ready? We've only got one shot at this!" — "Voltron"

"Allura: This is exactly what happened to Zarkon. Exposure to all this Quintessence turned him into a monster!

Prince Lotor: Poor Allura! All the power in the universe at your fingertips, and you still fear using it!" — "Voltron"

"Pidge: It looks like the top level is patrolled by the sentries. The second level is patrolled by floating drones. Oh, wow, that's interesting.

Lance: Good interesting?

Pidge: The second level also has immobilizing foam." — "Voltron"

Hunk's quote: "The hunters have become the hunted!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Hunk's quote: "The hunters have become the hunted!" | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"Shiro: What was the first rank you held in Zarkon's army? Where did you find the Red Lion? What is Zarkon's greatest weakness?

Sendak: What makes you think you can possibly defeat him?" — "Voltron"

"Man: Lions of Voltron, the people of Puig thank you for delivering us from the evil hands of the Galra empire.

Lance: Don't forget the Blade of Marmora. We couldn't have done it without Kolivan and his team.

Kolivan: It was our honor." — "Voltron"

"Allura: You must get moving. Remember your training. Remember all the battles you've been through.

Allura's quote: Speaking with you has actually made me feel better." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Allura's quote: Speaking with you has actually made me feel better." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"Coran: Remember, Princess, 70 percent of diplomacy is appearance. Then 29 percent is manners, decorum, formalities, and chit-chat. It only about one percent, uh...

Allura: Serious business about fighting for the freedom of the universe?" — "Voltron"

Funny and Entertaining Quotes from the 'Voltron' Characters

"Help me bii-boh-bi, you're my only hope!" — Coran

"Well, I like peanut butter, and I like peanut butter cookies, but I hate peanuts. They're so dry. Also, I sweat a lot. I mean, in general, unrelated to the peanuts." — Pidge to Allura

"I don't need you anyway! I'll rewrite the show! Get rid of the whole lot of ya! Replace you with new paladins! And the show Will be better than ever before! Except for you, Shiro. I'll never get rid of you. You're our most popular character." — Coran to Shiro's popularity

"It's meee. Keeeeeith. Your–I. Am. Your. Paladin!" — Keith to the Red Lion

Queen Merla's quote: "Too bad you're not a bad guy. We have much more fun." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Queen Merla's quote: "Too bad you're not a bad guy. We have much more fun." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool


"The hunters have become the hunted!" — Hunk

"Hey, there Blue Lion. You know, you're really activating my particle barrier right now." — Allura

"We had a bonding moment, I cradled you in my arms!" — Keith to Lance

"Is that a cow?" — Shiro to Lance

Lance's quote: "Let's fly into the cosmic death storm." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

Lance's quote: "Let's fly into the cosmic death storm." | Source: youtube.com/netflixafterschool

The Voltron team exemplifies the importance of friendship by fighting against evil forces, sharing playful banter, and being present for each other during life's highs and lows.

The characters' quotes capture a combination of action and humor that resonates with their viewers. Lance's quick wit, Allura's insightful advice, and the unique charm of each character have all contributed to making the series a beloved fan favorite.

Another well-known show that has become iconic is "The Simpsons," which has featured famous guests such as Conan O'Brien and Mark Hamill. Read and explore some hilarious quotes from the show's character, Chief Wiggum.



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