A photo of Elsa Dutton with the quote, "I know what I am now. I'm a cowboy." | Source: youtube.com/paramountplusuk
A photo of Elsa Dutton with the quote, "I know what I am now. I'm a cowboy." | Source: youtube.com/paramountplusuk

41 '1883' Elsa Quotes to Inspire and Empower Your Weary Soul

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 26, 2023
05:00 A.M.

Elsa Dutton is a tough cookie and one of the prominent figures in the series "1883," the hit prequel to the successful drama "Yellowstone." Below are 41 quotes from Elsa, the captivating character of the show.


Elsa Dutton, played by actress Isabel May, has mesmerized viewers with her stunning innocent looks, sharp wit, and keen observations, leaving a lasting impression on fans.

This young woman's poetic nature is evident in her beautiful and awe-inspiring descriptions of the places she has traveled. Her narration of the journey provides a window into her emotional intelligence and growth throughout the series.

Lorelai is the heart and soul of the show as it gives life to the people around her. Let her wisdom and unique perspective inspire you as you delve into the following quotes.

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I know death now. I've seen it. It had no fangs. It smiled at me. And it was beautiful." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I know death now. I've seen it. It had no fangs. It smiled at me. And it was beautiful." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's Quotes That Keep You Thinking


"There is nowhere to chain love to vows and ceremony. Out here, love burns through you like a fever. And when the devil comes to rip that love from you, there is no funeral with somber speeches that dull our senses and deaden our hearts." — Elsa Dutton

"I think cities have weakened us, as a species. Mistakes have no consequences there. Step into the road without looking and the carriage merely stops or swerves. The only consequence, an angry driver." — Elsa Dutton

"There is a moment where your dreams and your memories merge together, and form a perfect world. That is Heaven. And each Heaven is unique. It is the world of you. The land is filled with all you hold dear and the sky is your imagination." — Elsa Dutton

"But here, there can be no mistakes. Because here doesn't care. The river doesn't care if you can swim. The snake doesn't care how much you love your children, and the wolf has no interest in your dreams. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown. If you get too close, you will be bitten. If you are too weak, you will be eaten." — Elsa Dutton

"Out here, you turn toward the pain as it tears into you, and you let it. When you do, the devil gets bored. He seeks another soul to eat. And you get to live again." — Elsa Dutton


Elsa Dutton's quote: "If everything is what you need, gold can buy it." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "If everything is what you need, gold can buy it." | Source: AmoDays

"The world doesn't care if you die. It won't listen to your screams. If you bleed on the ground, the ground will drink it. It doesn't care that you're cut." — Elsa Dutton

"What is death? What is this thing we all share? Rabbits, birds, horses, trees, everyone I love, and everyone who loves me. Even stars die, and we know absolutely nothing of it." — Elsa Dutton

"Tears we can't control, sobs and weeps are little surrenders, and I will surrender nothing to the pain. Tears may flow, but I will not weep. I am the wife of a warrior now. Which is to say, I am a warrior. And warriors don't cry." — Elsa Dutton

"The dress felt like a prison built just for me, choking me by the neck. Digging into my underarms. Flattening my breasts against my rib cage." — Elsa Dutton


"What an odd thing, attraction. It consumes you. Stronger than hunger, or fear, or anything I've ever felt. I feel it everywhere. My hands, my stomach, my toes…" — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I'm a woman. I pick myself up." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I'm a woman. I pick myself up." | Source: AmoDays

"No matter how much we love it, the land will never love us back." — Elsa Dutton

"Freedom. Freedom is accepting consequences. Embracing them. Wrapping them around you like a blanket." — Elsa Dutton

"Hope is the surrender of authority to your fate, and trusting it to the whims of the wind." — Elsa Dutton

"My family does not hope. We fight for what we believe until we have it, or we are destroyed by the pursuit." — Elsa Dutton


"Some call it the American Desert, others, the Great Plains. But those phrases were invented by professors at universities surrounded by the illusion of order and the fantasy of right and wrong." — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I watched her ride, and I didn't see my mother. I saw a woman, and the woman was magnificent." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I watched her ride, and I didn't see my mother. I saw a woman, and the woman was magnificent." | Source: AmoDays

"To know it, you must walk it. Bleed into its dirt. Drown in its rivers. Then its name becomes clear. It is hell, and there are demons everywhere. But if this is hell, and I'm in it, then I must be a demon too. And I'm already dead." — Elsa Dutton

"I remember the first time I saw it. Tried to find words to describe it, but I couldn't. Nothing had prepared me, no books, no teachers, not even my parents. I heard a thousand stories but none could describe this place. It must be witnessed to be understood." — Elsa Dutton


"Man will always seek to take from others that which he could make for himself. Those are the words that have governed this family. Or perhaps, it is our refusal to surrender that governs us." — Elsa Dutton

More Insightful Quotes from Elsa Dutton

"Wanna know my greatest fear about dyin'? It's bein' forgotten. And I can't understand why, 'cause I won't be here to know anyone forgot me. What a silly thing to scare me." — Elsa Dutton

"Y'all made good time. Went from prairie to pine trees in less than a day." — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "You're too pretty for me. I prefer to be the pretty one. Bet you prefer it, too." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "You're too pretty for me. I prefer to be the pretty one. Bet you prefer it, too." | Source: AmoDays

"To survive the frontier, you must learn to recognize those who won't and be wary of their doomed decisions. They are to be avoided at all costs because their fear is tragedy's closest cousin, and tragedy is contagious in this place." — Elsa Dutton


"I'd rather wear a bean sack than be choked by a dress." — Elsa Dutton

"You were aware before. My mother worries about the soldiers seein' me dress like a cowboy." — Elsa Dutton

"I wasn't lookin' for nothin' and it still found me." — Elsa Dutton

"You're too pretty for me. I prefer to be the pretty one. Bet you prefer it, too." — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "Y'all made good time. Went from prairie to pine trees in less than a day." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "Y'all made good time. Went from prairie to pine trees in less than a day." | Source: AmoDays

"I know what I am now. I'm a cowboy." — Elsa Dutton

"I watched her ride, and I didn't see my mother. I saw a woman, and the woman was magnificent." — Elsa Dutton


"And just like that, horror steps from the shadows and our freedom is gone." — Elsa Dutton

"Freedom is riding wild over the untamed land with no notion that any moment exists beyond the one you are living." — Elsa Dutton

"I do not know what Texas means, but to me, it means magic." — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "Hope is the surrender of authority to your fate, and trusting it to the whims of the wind." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "Hope is the surrender of authority to your fate, and trusting it to the whims of the wind." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa's Empowering Quotes

"I'm a woman. I pick myself up." — Elsa Dutton

"If everything is what you need, gold can buy it." — Elsa Dutton

"I have no home. Which is to say, my home is everywhere." — Elsa Dutton


"I know death now. I've seen it. It had no fangs. It smiled at me. And it was beautiful." — Elsa Dutton

"To import the traditions of the place you fled, the place that failed you, is to condemn the place you seek with the same failures." — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I'd rather wear a bean sack than be choked by a dress." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I'd rather wear a bean sack than be choked by a dress." | Source: AmoDays

"There is no Heaven to go to, because we're in it already. We're in hell, too. They coexist. Right beside each other. And God is the land." — Elsa Dutton

"It seems the farther we get from civilization, the more of its rules we leave behind. Its traditions. Its inhibitions. The farther west we travel, the more those rules and customs become a burden." — Elsa Dutton


Elsa Dutton's quote: "No matter how much we love it, the land will never love us back." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "No matter how much we love it, the land will never love us back." | Source: AmoDays

"I'd known death since I was a child, it's everywhere, but it had never touched me, it had never placed Its' rotten finger on my heart, until today." — Elsa Dutton

"Like god decided to light this day with candles, I could see all of Texas. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen." — Elsa Dutton

"I knew nothing of the horror that hides in freedom's shadow." — Elsa Dutton

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I do not know what Texas means, but to me, it means magic." | Source: AmoDays

Elsa Dutton's quote: "I do not know what Texas means, but to me, it means magic." | Source: AmoDays


Elsa's quotes teach us that life is not always easy, and we must learn to face our fears and accept the consequences of our actions. We must embrace our identity and recognize those who won't survive to avoid their doomed decisions.

Her powerful words inspire us to be brave and fight for what we believe in, just like Elsa and her family. In the end, we must be willing to bleed, drown, and even die for what we cherish and hold dear, just like the people of the frontier did.

The show's talented cast includes actors Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, and Sam Elliott. In addition to Elsa, another fearless woman you might enjoy is Jessica Day. Her quotes will inspire your sassy personality.



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