Kevin and Marcus Copeland ndercover as the Wilson sisters.| Source: facebook.com/comedycentraluk
Kevin and Marcus Copeland ndercover as the Wilson sisters.| Source: facebook.com/comedycentraluk

30 'White Chicks' Quotes: Travel a Thousand Miles with These Hilarious Quips

Dayna Remus
May 25, 2023
05:00 A.M.

Vanessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles" pops up in many individuals' heads if they are familiar with the cult classic "White Chicks." This singing scene is only one of the many giggle-worthy moments in the movie. Get ready to laugh by reading the 30 quotes below.


The 2004 comedy film "White Chicks" is about two African American FBI agents, Kevin and Marcus Copeland, who, after botching their previous assignment, were tasked with protecting the two heiresses Wilson sisters from a kidnapping scheme.

These two sisters, however, refused to come out in public because their faces were wounded due to a car accident. Consequently, Kevin and Marcus go undercover as these two Caucasian sisters. The two find themselves thrown into a world of luxury and privilege. Read these 30 quotes from the many hilarious characters in the film.

Kevin Copeland’s quote: “It’s not just a bag! It’s Prada.” | Source: AmoDays

Kevin Copeland’s quote: “It’s not just a bag! It’s Prada.” | Source: AmoDays

Kevin Copeland Quotes

“I wanna speak to your supervisor! Better yet, I’m gonna write a letter!” — Kevin Copeland


“Has anyone ever told you you look just like Denzel Washington?" — Kevin Copeland

“It’s not just a bag! It’s Prada.” — Kevin Copeland

“Dear...Mr...Royal... Hampton. I...am.. a...white... woman...in...America.” — Kevin Copeland

“What a beautiful chocolate man! Beautiful!” — Kevin Copeland

"First of all, I go to Dr. Dorf, and he totally messes up my nose job. I ask him to make me look like Gwyneth Paltrow. I get off the surgery table looking like freakin’ Shrek. Then I get here, and Mr. Harper makes me feel like I’m some dumb blonde with fake boobs going to a Hugh Hefner party.” — Kevin Copeland

Kevin Copeland’s quote: “Dear...Mr...Royal... Hampton. I...am.. a...white... woman...in...America.” | Source: AmoDays

Kevin Copeland’s quote: “Dear...Mr...Royal... Hampton. I...am.. a...white... woman...in...America.” | Source: AmoDays


Marcus Copeland Quotes

“Yo, hold my poodle! Hold my poodle!” — Marcus Copeland

“Look, King Kong. Why don’t you take you and your 1980s pick-up lines, climb all the way up to the top of the Empire State Building, beat on your big old monkey chest, and then jump off? Excuse me.” – Marcus Copeland

“You are in big trouble!” — Marcus Copeland

“Triple T-K-A! Time To Totally Kick [expletive!]” — Marcus Copeland

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. ‘We?’ Kevin, this ain’t about ‘we.’ It’s never been. It’s about you. You come up with some stupid idea, and I’m dumb enough to go along with it. And look where it’s gotten me, Kevin. I just lost my wife and my job because of you. So don’t tell me about ‘we’ no more, all right?” — Marcus Copeland

Marcus  Copeland’s quote: “Yo, hold my poodle! Hold my poodle!”  | Source: AmoDays

Marcus Copeland’s quote: “Yo, hold my poodle! Hold my poodle!” | Source: AmoDays


"I'm sorry, but um...we just saw your new video. Yeah, they had a screening over at Saks Fifth Avenue in the security office." — Marcus Copeland

“I wasn’t asleep, baby, I was closing my eyes and visualizing your words.” Marcus Copeland

“I don’t see why I gotta go out with Buffy the White Girl Slayer.” — Marcus Copeland

Lisa Anderson Quotes

“I can’t even wear a short skirt and a top without looking like a fat pig.” — Lisa Anderson

"Hi, I'm ‘Cellulite Sally’. Look at my huge ba-donkey." — Lisa Anderson

Megan Vandergeld Quotes

Megan Vandergeld’s quote: “Daddy! Why are you doing this?” | Source: AmoDays

Megan Vandergeld’s quote: “Daddy! Why are you doing this?” | Source: AmoDays


"Your mother shops at Saks." — Megan Vandergeld

“These starving kids in Africa make me so sad. They don’t even have to try to be skinny!” Megan Vandergeld

“Daddy! Why are you doing this?” — Megan Vandergeld

"It's the Beverly Ho-Billies." — Megan Vandergeld

"Your mother is so stupid that she goes to Barney's Rooftop Deck Restaurant for lunch and orders a niçoise salad and calls it a 'ni-coise' salad. 'Ni-coise' salad, right?" — Megan Vandergeld

Heather Vandergeld Quotes

Heather Vandergeld’s quote: “Look who just flew in from the slums of Beverly Hills.”  | Source: AmoDays

Heather Vandergeld’s quote: “Look who just flew in from the slums of Beverly Hills.” | Source: AmoDays

"Well, yeah? Your mother's so stupid she exercises when she could just get, like, liposuction or something!" — Heather Vandergeld


“Like, Martha Stewart 'Broke'? Or MC Hammer 'Broke?'" — Heather Vandergeld

“Look who just flew in from the slums of Beverly Hills.” — Heather Vandergeld

More ‘White Chicks’ Quotes

“Oh my God! So what? I sleep with everyone’s boyfriend!” — Brittany Wilson

“Don’t hate me ’cause you ain’t me!” — Russ

Heather Vandergeld’s quote: “Like, Martha Stewart 'Broke'? Or MC Hammer 'Broke?'"  | Source: AmoDays

Heather Vandergeld’s quote: “Like, Martha Stewart 'Broke'? Or MC Hammer 'Broke?'" | Source: AmoDays

“She don’t know it yet, but that’s ‘wifey’ right there.” — Latrell Spencer


“And you know, Heather totally hates you because you slept with her boyfriend.” — Tiffany Wilson

"Oh, the deception. The betrayal. Man, you deceived me." — Latrell Spencer

Russ’s quote: “Don’t hate me ’cause you ain’t me!”  | Source: AmoDays

Russ’s quote: “Don’t hate me ’cause you ain’t me!” | Source: AmoDays

While the film is seemingly meant to be nothing but a feel-good movie, controversy is attached to it.

Some criticisms include that it is fatphobic and disrespectful to women, while others claim it presents an unfair and stereotypical caricature of Caucasians.


On the other hand, many claim that the film was ahead of its time, dealing with issues such as white privilege and the pressure women faced to be thin, especially in the early 2000s.

Whatever one's opinion, it is clear that the Wayans brothers, Shawn and Marlon Wayans, who played the two protagonists and were contributing writers of the film, not only made everyone laugh but also sparked a meaningful conversation.

Other cast members of this show included Terry Crews, Busy Philipps, Jaime King, Brittany Daniel, Jennifer Carpenter, and much more.

To read one-liners from another film that will make you laugh until your belly aches, read these 26 "Lady Bird" quotes.



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