An image of Anthony Bridgerton with the quote: "You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires." | Source: youtube.com/Netflix
An image of Anthony Bridgerton with the quote: "You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires." | Source: youtube.com/Netflix

32 Anthony Bridgerton Quotes Season 2 That Make You Weak in the Knees

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
May 28, 2023
01:00 P.M.

In season one, Anthony Bridgerton's approach to life in "Bridgerton" left fans feeling that he was all about ambition and honor. But this handsome character flipped the script in season two. Here are 32 quotes from the man of the house.


Charming, ambitious, yet incredibly serious—that is Anthony Bridgerton. As the eldest son and the Viscount, he approaches his familial responsibilities with the determination to protect the clan's reputation in society.

However, Anthony grapples with the weight of societal expectations and the pressures placed on him. It is not until he encounters his perfect match in the form of Kate Sharma that he truly begins to confront these challenges.

In addition to sharing his honorable and gentlemanly words of wisdom, Anthony reveals an unexpected side that leaves every fan blushing: his romantic thoughts. Below, you'll find some of his unforgettable lines from the show.

Anthony Bridgerton's quote in Season 2: I fight... for the family that I have." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote in Season 2: I fight... for the family that I have." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's Quotes on Duty, Loyalty, and Chivalry


"It is only out of the greatest love of my family that I aim to choose a bride with my head and not my... heart." — Anthony Bridgerton

"I'm not a man of poetry. Words of flattery are beautiful and sweet, but they are also hollow unless accompanied by action." — Anthony Bridgerton

"You were born to marry into another family. I was born to carry on the Bridgerton name. That is what outweighs anything else. It is rather easy to be selfish when you have no one else to whom you must answer." — Anthony Bridgerton to Daphne

"I do not need feeling. What I need is what I have, and that is a list. Tolerable, dutiful, suitable enough hips for childbearing, and at least half a brain. And that last part is not so much a requirement but a preference, in fact." — Anthony Bridgerton

"Anthony Bridgerton: That has always been the privilege of not being the firstborn. You both get to choose your passions and adventures, while I, on the other hand, must fulfill my...

Benedict Bridgerton: Tell me, dear brother, once you marry, will your duty finally be fulfilled so you can stop reminding everyone of it?

Anthony Bridgerton: I believe the reminders are also my duty, so no." — "Bridgeton" Season 2


Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "We do not have the luxury of choice. We cannot escape our roles." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "We do not have the luxury of choice. We cannot escape our roles." | Source: AmoDays

"Daphne Basset: You can choose to be happy. To follow the desires of your heart instead of pushing away any feeling that comes to the surface. It should not be a luxury, but a right to choose, to fight for the family that you want.

Anthony Bridgerton: I fight... for the family that I have." — "Bridgeton" Season 2

"Violet Bridgerton: See that he is quite well.

Benedict Bridgerton: Me?

Anthony Bridgerton: I'm not in need of coddling. I assure you all, everything is in order." — "Bridgeton" Season 2

"My apologies. I cannot do this. I cannot claim these words as my own. They are someone else's entirely. Truth be told, I'm not... I'm not a man of poetry. Words of flattery are beautiful and sweet, but they are also hollow unless accompanied by action. Miss Edwina, I could stand here and pretend to be someone I am not. I could pretend to want the very same things as you, but I'd be lying. I may not be able to... offer the display of passion that you truly deserve. But I assure you that when it comes to action and duty... I shall never be found lacking. And I hope that is what will speak louder than any pretty words ever can." — Anthony Bridgerton


"Miss Edwina, I have never wavered in my intentions since the first moment of our meeting. It was clear to me then, as it is now, that what we share is greater than all else." — Anthony Bridgerton

"Excuse us. It seems the duchess has opinions." — Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening, how much you consume my very being." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening, how much you consume my very being." | Source: AmoDays

"Our places. Our roles. They align. I, as the viscount. You, as the diamond. Neither by our own choice. We are yoked to each other in that respect. It is why I never gave up pursuing you, even when some thought me a fool to continue. It is why I was not swayed by the insults of the Sheffields or your lack of a dowry." — Anthony Bridgerton

"Daphne Basset: Seeing as though you were such a help to me last season, it would only be fair of me to return the favor.


Anthony Bridgerton: Is that a promise or a threat?" — "Bridgeton" Season 2

"I am a gentleman. My father raised me to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence." — Anthony Bridgerton

"If I wed your sister, it will bind me and you together for eternity, and I will spend every day of my marriage wanting you, dreaming of you, dreading the day when my last thread of honor finally snaps. Is that the future that you want for us? For your sister?" — Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony Bridgerton's Quotes about Kate Sharma

"Losing to strange women in parks at dawn, imagine the questions I would face." — Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I believe the reminders are also my duty, so no." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I believe the reminders are also my duty, so no." | Source: AmoDays


"So you find my smile pleasing." — Anthony Bridgerton

"Just keep looking at me. No one else matters." — Anthony Bridgerton

"Do you think that there is a corner of this earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment?" — Anthony Bridgerton

"It is because I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening. How much you consume my very being." — Anthony Bridgerton

"I know I am imperfect, but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you." — Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "Excuse us. It seems the duchess has opinions." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "Excuse us. It seems the duchess has opinions." | Source: AmoDays

"I love you. I've loved you from the moment we raced each other in that park. I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we've been together, and every time we've been apart." — Anthony Bridgerton


"I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening, how much you consume my very being." — Anthony Bridgerton

"Do you think that I want to be in this position? Contending with these thoughts of wanting to be nowhere except with you. Wanting to run away with you. Of acting on the most impure, forbidden desires, no matter… how much I must remind myself I am a gentleman, and you are a lady." — Anthony Bridgerton

"All I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breathe for... is you." — Anthony Bridgerton

"You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires." — Anthony Bridgerton

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "Losing to strange women in parks at dawn, imagine the questions I would face." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "Losing to strange women in parks at dawn, imagine the questions I would face." | Source: AmoDays

"We do not have the luxury of choice. We cannot escape our roles." — Anthony Bridgerton


The Viscount's Quotes and Banters with His Perfect Counterpart

"Night and day, I dream of you. And what I...do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you." — Anthony Bridgerton to Kate Sharma

"Anthony Bridgerton: Can you ever just agree? You have been like this from the moment we first met in those woods. Obstinate, inflexible, unyielding to good, plain common sense.

Kate Sharma: Well, I can certainly understand why that would be so troubling for a man like you. A man used to always getting his way. A man used to giving orders...

Anthony Bridgerton: I do not give orders.

Kate Sharma: You give me orders and you expect me to listen. I do not listen...

Anthony Bridgerton: Perhaps you should.

Kate Sharma: I'll never listen to you! Or to anyone I wholeheartedly disagree with!" — "Bridgeton" Season 2

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I love you. I've loved you from the moment we raced each other in that park." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I love you. I've loved you from the moment we raced each other in that park." | Source: AmoDays


"Kate Sharma: It has been you. It has been you this entire time. Spinning my world off its axis, making me reconsider everything I have ever told myself. I came here resolved... to save my family. Everything I have ever done...

Anthony Bridgerton: ...has been for them.

Kate Sharma: Has been for them.

Anthony Bridgerton: Yeah.

Kate Sharma: You are the one who must stop. You are the one who must stop. Before...

Anthony Bridgerton: Before what? Before we both finally do something for ourselves?" — "Bridgeton" Season 2

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "Just keep looking at me. No one else matters." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "Just keep looking at me. No one else matters." | Source: AmoDays


"(Anthony and Kate are being all lovey-dovey and hugging, while the others are waiting for the game to start...)

Daphne Basset: I suppose that means they are cutting out.

Anthony Bridgerton: No! We're not cutting out!

Kate Bridgerton: No, not a chance!

Anthony Bridgerton (whispers to Kate): Unless we want to take this opportunity to return upstairs?

Kate Bridgerton: And admit defeat? Never." — "Bridgeton" Season 2

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "All I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breathe for... is you." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "All I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breathe for... is you." | Source: AmoDays

"Kate Sharma: How did he die?


(The realization hits Kate, as to why Anthony freaked out the other day when she was stung by a bee)

Kate Sharma: My lord, I... I am so sorry. I...

Anthony Bridgerton: To see a great man felled by such a small creature, it was, um... It was humbling, to say the least." — "Bridgeton" Season 2

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I know I am imperfect, but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I know I am imperfect, but I will humble myself before you because I cannot imagine my life without you." | Source: AmoDays

"Kate Sharma: I did not ask for this. To be plagued by these feelings. Hiding from my sister. Being driven to distraction every time you enter the room.


Anthony Bridgerton: Then you agree. It is insupportable.

Kate Sharma: Impossible." — "Bridgeton" Season 2

"Anthony Bridgerton: Ladies do not hunt.

Kate Sharma: Do not, or are not allowed to?" — "Bridgeton" Season 2

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I'm not in need of coddling. I assure you all, everything is in order." | Source: AmoDays

Anthony Bridgerton's quote: "I'm not in need of coddling. I assure you all, everything is in order." | Source: AmoDays

Jonathan Bailey brilliantly portrayed the character of Anthony, while Simone Ashley brought to life the role of Kate Sharma. Their love defied societal boundaries, triumphing over chaos and uncertainty.


Through his experiences, Anthony discovered that love possesses the extraordinary ability to conquer all obstacles, offering him profound insights into the importance of vulnerability and the pursuit of one's true desires.

The entertainment world has never run out of romantic leading men like Anthony. Similarly, actor Josh Radnor's character, Ted Mosby, captivated fans with his memorable quotes from "How I Met Your Mother."



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