Ricky, with Ricky's quote: “It doesn’t take rocket appliances to know that—.” | Source: facebook.com/trailerparkboys
Ricky, with Ricky's quote: “It doesn’t take rocket appliances to know that—.” | Source: facebook.com/trailerparkboys

39 'Trailer Park Boys' Ricky Quotes Including Hilarious Rickyisms

Kudzai Allan Chidamwoyo
May 30, 2023
09:00 P.M.

With a Rotten Tomatoes audience rating of 93%, it is safe to say that viewers enjoyed watching "Trailer Park Boys" as it ran from 2001 and 2018, gaining massive popularity as part of Netflix's television series.


The comedy and crime show centers around three felons, Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles, and their life in the trailer park. The trio goes through many mismanaged get-rich-quick schemes in pursuit of better lives for themselves.

Their misadventures resulted in a spectacular comedy show worthy of being remembered by its viewers. Some memorable performances are given by Robb Well, who portrayed Ricky, one-third of the actors, leaving fans with the following 39 "Trailer Park Boys" Ricky Quotes.

Ricky's quote: “What are you doin’ using your big school words; just use normal people words and I’ll understand what you’re talkin’ about.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “What are you doin’ using your big school words; just use normal people words and I’ll understand what you’re talkin’ about.” | Source: Amodays

'Trailer Park Boys' Ricky Quotes

"The thing is, in order to stop breakin' the law, we gotta break the law just for a couple of minutes, and then we're gonna be done, retired."Ricky


"I'd like to make a request under the People's Freedom of Choices and Voices Act to be able to smoke an' swear in your courtroom."Ricky

"What are you doin' using your big school words; just use normal people words, and I'll understand what you're talkin' about."Ricky

"When you're growing up, you gotta do illegal things once in a while, have a bit of fun, and maturinate into a better person."Ricky

A lot of people might say I'm stupid; I don't know; I don't think I am. I'm probably smarter than that, I mean. This thing here's smarter than me, I guess, but it has a battery."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “After today we’re gonna be a legal family. It’s gonna be pretty cool, right, it’s gonna be on paper and everything.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “After today we’re gonna be a legal family. It’s gonna be pretty cool, right, it’s gonna be on paper and everything.” | Source: Amodays

"Instead of breaking the law big time for a big payday, you gotta break the law a lot but little tiny crimes."Ricky


"After today, we're gonna be a legal family. It's gonna be pretty cool, right? It's gonna be on paper and everything."Ricky

"The thing with me is that I am smart and I'm smelf, I'm self smarted, basically, by myself, basically from nature and smoking drugs and doing different things I've self—like self-learned myself. And that's the whole difference, I guess, is that I don't need the books or the schooling-type things. I just get everything on my own, and because of that, I'm alive right now. I mean, if I had read more books or tried to go on to college and different things like that, I'd be dead right now because people say books and college are for to make you smarter, but they can also be for to make you dead, which is what could have happened to me."Ricky

"We got this plutonium kind of love going, and I don't wanna (expletive) that up, all right."Ricky

"I don't do as much coke as you do. We're not on the same wavelength."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “I missed jail this year. Was it awesome?” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “I missed jail this year. Was it awesome?” | Source: Amodays


"Well, I was plannin' on takin' the blame, cuz I mean, there is a pretty good chance that I did it. Well, I mean, I did do it. But Bubbles took the blame, so once someone takes the blame, whaddya do? I couldn't take it then; he had already taken it."Ricky

"I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did. I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin'."Ricky

"I missed jail this year. Was it awesome?"Ricky

"Well, I think somebody has been talking to Trinity, and they've misled her around, and basically, they said that you know, I'm drunk and stupid all the time, which isn't the case. Once in a while, I get drunk; once in a while, something comes out of my mouth that may not be the smartest thing in the world, but she shouldn't be worried about growing up drunk and stupid like me. That's not gonna happen. She's already smarter than me, you know, and she's only like nine years old."Ricky

"The thing with kids and growings and getting learnings and stuff are that—you can't lie to them. Basically, if you wanna tell the children they can't do something, they're gonna want to do it more. When I was young, I did all kinds of crazy (expletive), and I turned out wicked. That's because my dad was (expletive) cool; he let me do (expletive). I was allowed to drive his car around the park, basically took my dirt bike to school, let me grow dope in his shed in grade seven. You know, that's what good parenting is all about. You gotta let them have a bit of freedom."Ricky


Ricky's quote: “It’s all water under the fridge.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “It’s all water under the fridge.” | Source: Amodays

'Trailer Park Boys' Ricky Quotes: Rickyisms

"You Can Go To College And Get Your Little PFD..."Ricky

"It's all water under the fridge."Ricky


"Looks Like A Tropical Earthquake Blew Through Here."Ricky

"Save me some of those sweet empowered chicken things."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “Beauty is in the eye when you hold her.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “Beauty is in the eye when you hold her.” | Source: Amodays


"Do you have a search warranty?"Ricky

"Lucy, I will make you have an eternity test if I have to."Ricky

"Beauty is in the eye when you hold her."Ricky

"How to get burbon stains out of Ka-Hickey pants."Ricky

"I'm not a pessimist; I'm an optometrist."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “Get two birds stoned at once.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “Get two birds stoned at once.” | Source: Amodays

"Where There's Smoke, There's Wires."Ricky

"What Julian Doesn't Grow Won't Burn Him."Ricky

"Don't judge a cover of a book by its look."Ricky


"It's better to have a gun and need it than to not have a gun and not need it."Ricky

"Get two birds stoned at once."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “Survival of the fitness, boys.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “Survival of the fitness, boys.” | Source: Amodays

"It doesn't take rocket appliances to know that—."Ricky

"Just remember Lahey, what comes around is all around."Ricky

"I've always believed do unto others as you would do unto you."Ricky

"Worst case Ontario."Ricky

"Survival of the fitness, boys."Ricky

"A link is only as long as your longest strong chain."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “Once a trailer park boy, always a trailer park boy.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “Once a trailer park boy, always a trailer park boy.” | Source: Amodays

'Trailer Park Boys' Ricky Quotes about the Park

"You know, ever since you guys have been around with your TV cameras, Julian's changed. You know, he's getting all frustrated, and he's taking his problems out on me and other people in the park—it's crazy! He lives in there, in a palace, and he's all stressed out! I live out here in a car, and I've got everything I need, and I'm happy! I mean, this is my home. So I don't know what his problem is."Ricky

"I try to be a role model for kids around the park. If some kid wants to grow dope, they can come talk to me; instead of growing dope six or seven times through denial and error, they're going to get it right the first time and have some good dope."Ricky


"Once a trailer park boy, always a trailer park boy."Ricky

Ricky's quote: “I’ve always believed do unto others as you would do unto you.” | Source: Amodays

Ricky's quote: “I’ve always believed do unto others as you would do unto you.” | Source: Amodays

"Trailer Park Boys" may have run its course regarding the show's making, but it left a proud legacy. The intelligently orchestrated television humorously discusses severe societal issues such as poverty and crime while still getting the message through.

A similar delivery is used by the creators of the hit television show, "The Office" (the US version, starring Steve Carrell and Jenna Fischer). Here are 48 of Stanley Hudson Quotes, the sassiest guy on the show.



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