36 Butters South Park Quotes That Will Leave You in Stitches
Butters is an iconic character from the television show, "South Park." Out of his peers, he is the only fourth grader that acts his age. He also has comedic lines for days. Here are 36 Butters South Park Quotes that are hilarious.
The child character of Butters from the satirical animated television show "South Park" portrayed some innocence, yet he always ended up in trouble. His interactions with his parents left him grounded many times for unclear reasons.
Butters' naivety and innocence made him stand out from the cast in a humorous way – as he, too, had some funny lines. Here are 36 Butters South Park Quotes that are hilarious.

Butters' quote: "Oh, we're not really Christian! We're just pretending we are!" | Source: youtube.com/southpark
Butters South Park Quotes on Celebrities
"Mom, Dad, I love you. Please Don’t Sell Me To Paris Hilton." — Butters
"You can scoop it up in my R. Kelly thermos." — Butters
"No, uh, I get to be Jaclyn Smith. See, I thought of Charlie’s Angels, and I get to be Jaclyn Smith c-cause I thought of it." — Butters
"What? Really? But I thought I was totally jealous of him! He's just married to Jennifer Garner? Oh my gosh, I feel so much better!." — Butters
"Ben Affleck has a lot going for him. Not everything, but a lot. Whoopee!" — Butters
"You shouldn't be able to be good-looking, and be with Jennifer Lopez, and be a good director! Alright, alright, fine! Argo is a good movie!" — Butters

Butters' quote: "Well, Yeah, I'm Sad, But At The Same Time, I'm Really Happy That Something Can Make Me Feel That Sad." | Source: youtube.com/southpark
Butters South Park Quotes on Religion
"Oh dear God, they’re going to set us on fire. Oh great Jesus son of Mary, wife of Joseph! What are we going to do, huh? Oh sweet Joseph, husband of Mary but not father of sweet Jesus." — Butters
"Oh, we’re not really Christian! We’re just pretending we are!" — Butters
"Why, I'm awfully disappointed with you drinking and carrying on this way, why you should be ashamed of yourself. If you don't get outside right now and tell those Army guys that your not religious fantastics, there's gonna be heck to pay - heck I tell ya." — Butters

Butters' quote: "You Can Call A Lie Whatever You Want, But It's Still A No-Good Stinking Lie." | Source: youtube.com/southpark
Butters South Park Quotes That Are the Best
"My Name Is Butters. I'm Eight Years Old, I'm Blood Type O, And '’m Bi-curious." — Butters
"Hey, Government. It's Me, Butters." — Butters
"Do You Know What I'm Saying?" — Butters
"That's My Face, Sir!" — Butters

Butters' quote: "You should stop being such a smart-mouthed, Mr Know-It-All." | Source: youtube.com/southpark
"I'm Pretty Sure The Car Is Moving. Looks Like I'm Heading For The Water." — Butters
"Well, Yeah, I'm Sad, But At The Same Time, I'm Really Happy That Something Can Make Me Feel That Sad." — Butters
"Oh, Hamburgers!" — Butters
"Lu-lu-lu, I've Got Some Apples. Lu-lu-lu, You've Got Some, Too!" — Butters
"I'm Never Going To Build-A-Bear, Am I?" — Butters

Butters' quote: "My Name Is Butters, I'm Eight Years Old, I'm Blood Type O, And Bi-curious." | Source: youtube.com/southpark
"You Can't Ground Me, For I Am Neither Living Nor Dead! How Can Thy Ground That Which Is Ungroudable?" — Butters
"Being Nice Is About What's Inside You! When Your Enemy Is Nice To You, You Just Be Nice Right Back!" — Butters
"Well, I Enjoyed Being Your Pimp And All, It's Just That." — Butters
"Well, I'm Just A Typical, Little Girl…" — Butters
"No, Please, Don't Kill Him. He's My Best Friend. He's My Best Friend In The Whole World." — Butters

Butters' quote: "Oh, Hamburgers!" | Source: youtube.com/southpark
"I Don't Think I'm Very Happy. I Always Fall Asleep To The Sound Of My Own Screams." — Butters
"You Can Call A Lie Whatever You Want, But It's Still A No-Good Stinking Lie." — Butters
"I'm A Bad Bear, I'm A Bad, Old Bear." — Butters
"Oh boy, I've never gotten a package this big! I've always wanted to have a huge package!" — Butters
"Your government is watching you, and your government wants you to be happy." — Butters

Butters' quote: "You Can't Ground Me, For I Am Neither Living Nor Dead How Can Thy Ground That Which Is Ungroundable?" | Source: youtube.com/southpark
"Oh jeez cheese Louise! My mom is gonna be awful sore when she sees this mess!" — Butters
"Aw, I was just about to sacrifice myself to Mr. Elway." — Butters
"Inspector Butters gets all the facts." — Butters
"Well, that's me!" — Butters

Butters' quote: "I Don't Think I'm Very Happy. I Always Fall Asleep To The Sound Of My Own Screams." | Source: youtube.com/southpark
"Well, my skin is springtime fresh, I suppose." — Butters
"You should stop being such a smart-mouthed, Mr Know-It-All!" — Butters
"I've never been to England, but I bet the people are real nice. Are people nice in England, Pip? I bet they are, huh? They got those big noses and all." — Butters

Butters' quote: "Inspector Butters gets all the facts." | Source: youtube.com/southpark
The role of Butters, also known as Leopold Stotch in the show, was portrayed by actor Matt Stone who is also the co-creator of the animated series. He starred alongside co-creator Trey Parker, Henry Wrinkler, and Ozzy Osbourne.
Butters overly used the phrase "Oh, hamburgers" whenever he was in trouble or something went wrong. He uses the expression in contrast to dire situations. For that reason, he is seen as innocent, as he pays attention to his language use when facing trouble.
If you enjoyed Butters' iconic quotes from "South Park," read more quotes from another animated television sitcom of "38 Chief Wiggum Quotes" from "The Simpsons."