21 Suicide Squad Joker Quotes from the Supervillain
The Joker is a clown villain in "Suicide Squad." Although he plays the bad guy in the movie, his humorous side makes him fun to watch. Here are 20 Suicide Squad Joker quotes that define his character.
"Suicide Squad" is a 2016 action/adventure film starring The Joker. He strives for a sense of humor with his unpopular self. The Joker is a crazed villain wanting to destroy society.
His presence in Gotham City makes everything else go awry as he corrupts its residence. The Joker does not take anything seriously, which is apparent in his lines. Here are 20 Suicide Squad Joker quotes.

The Joker's quote: "I can't wait to show you my toys." | Source: facebook.com/thesuicidesquad
Best Suicide Squad Joker Quotes
"Ah. You helped me. By erasing my mind? What few faded memories I had! No. You left me in a black hole of rage and confusion. Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel?" — The Joker
"I Am Not Someone Who Is Loved. I’m An Idea. A State of Mind." — The Joker
"How Many Dead Eyes Can You Look Into Before You Die Inside Yourself?" — The Joker
"We Live In A Society Where Honor Is A Distant Memory." — The Joker
"You Know What? Sometimes Hurt Happens." — The Joker
"You Sent A Boy Wonder To Do A Man’s Job." — The Joker
"Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power." — The Joker
"What do we have here?" — The Joker

The Joker's quote: "I love this guy. He's so intense." | Source: facebook.com/thesuicidesquad
Suicide Squad Joker Quotes on Violence
"I need a machine gun." — The Joker
"What? Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya… really, really bad." — The Joker
"Blah Blah Blah Blah. You Know All That Chit-Chat's Gonna Get You Hurt!" — The Joker
"I can't wait to show you my toys." — The Joker

The Joker's quote: "We Live In A Society Where Honor Is A Distant Memory." | Source: facebook.com/thesuicidesquad
Suicide Squad Joker Quotes on Love
"Would you die for me?" — The Joker
"That’s too easy. Would you live for me?" — The Joker
"He Knows Exactly What It's Like To Lose Someone He Loves." — The Joker

The Joker's quote: "I need a machine gun." | Source: facebook.com/thesuicidesquad
Suicide Squad Joker Quotes That Are Hilarious
"I wouldn't want you to break those perfect porcelain-capped teeth when the juice hits your brain." — The Joker
"I love this guy, He’s so intense." — The Joker
"Oh yeah. Listen you're my gift to this handsome hunka hunka! You belong to him now." — The Joker
"You don't want no beef?" — The Joker
"Are you sweet talking me? Ha. Ha. Ha." — The Joker
"Dr. Quinzel. You know, I live for these moments with you. What do you got?" — The Joker

The Joker's quote: "That's too easy. Would you live for me?" | Source: facebook.com/thesuicidesquad
"Suicide Squad" is based on the DC Comics protagonists of the same name. It follows Amanda Waller, named ARGUS who, owns a secret government agency. She forms a task team comprising supervillains assigned to dangerous missions in exchange for lesser prison time.
The Joker, played by Jared Leto, happens to make the list of the task force. The movie also stars Will Smith (Deadshot), Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn), and Jai Courtney as (Captain Boom).
If you enjoyed reading quotes from the DC film franchise, read more on "32 Ralph Kramden Quotes" from the sitcom "The Honeymooners."